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The address “Düsternortstraße 193, 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany” is located in the state of Lower Saxony in the county of Delmenhorst. The center of gravity for this address is approximately at the geographical coordinates of 53.0365° N latitude and 8.6099° E longitude.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide specific contact information, email, fax, opening hours, IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, or the exact number of employees at this address without knowing the specific business or organization located there. However, I can provide some general information.
The history of Düsternortstraße 193, 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany, would depend on the specific establishment or entity located at that address. It is important to note that historical information may vary depending on the organization in question.
Regarding the nearest branch of Düsternortstraße 193, 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany, it would depend on the nature of the business or organization at that address. Typically, the nearest branch would be another location operated by the same entity within the same city or region.
There may be ATMs located near Düsternortstraße 193, 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany, depending on the surrounding area and the presence of banks or financial institutions. The cards accepted at these ATMs would vary based on the issuing bank and network affiliations.
For a list of important places around Düsternortstraße 193, 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany, you may consider landmarks, businesses, parks, schools, or other points of interest in the vicinity. The specific locations would depend on the surrounding area and amenities available.
If you can provide more details about the specific business or organization at Düsternortstraße 193, 27755 Delmenhorst, Germany, I can offer more tailored information.
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