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The address “Schwabacher Straße 35, 90762 Fürth, Germany” is a commercial or residential property located in Fürth, Germany. Unfortunately, I cannot provide specific contact information, email, fax, opening hours, county, state, IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, or the center of gravity for this address as it pertains to a specific business or individual.
Regarding the approximate number of employees at this address, it would depend on the specific business or organization located there. Without further details, I cannot provide an accurate estimate.
As for the history of “Schwabacher Straße 35, 90762 Fürth, Germany” being at this address, I do not have access to real-time data to provide the exact date since it was established at this location.
In terms of other branches of the same entity located nearby, I do not have information on the nearest branch without knowing the specific business or organization at this address.
Regarding ATMs near “Schwabacher Straße 35, 90762 Fürth, Germany”, you may find ATMs in banks, shopping centers, or other commercial areas in the vicinity. The cards accepted at these ATMs would typically include major credit and debit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and others commonly used in Germany.
For a list of important places around “Schwabacher Straße 35, 90762 Fürth, Germany”, you may find restaurants, shops, banks, parks, public transportation stops, and other local amenities typical of a commercial or residential area.
If you have specific questions or need further assistance, please provide more details so I can help you more effectively.
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