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The address “Würzburger Straße 541, 90768 Fürth, Germany” is located in the city of Fürth in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The county for this address is Fürth. The contact information for this address is not available as it seems to be a fictional address.
As for the financial details, such as IBAN, routing number, and SWIFT/BIC code, they are not applicable to a specific address but rather to a financial institution or account.
The center of gravity for “Würzburger Straße 541, 90768 Fürth, Germany” cannot be determined without specific geographic data.
There is no specific list of important places around the fictional address provided.
The number of employees at “Würzburger Straße 541, 90768 Fürth, Germany” is not known as it is a fictional address.
Since when the “Würzburger Straße 541, 90768 Fürth, Germany” has been at this address is also not known as it is a fictional address.
The nearest other branch of “Würzburger Straße 541, 90768 Fürth, Germany” cannot be determined without specific location data.
Regarding ATMs near “Würzburger Straße 541, 90768 Fürth, Germany,” it would depend on the specific area and financial institutions present in that location. The accepted cards at the ATMs would also vary based on the financial institution operating the ATM.
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