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“Kirchplatz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany” is a specific address in Hof, Germany. Here is the information you requested:
– Contact Information: Unfortunately, specific contact information for this address is not available without knowing the specific business or entity located there.
– Email: Not provided.
– Fax: Not provided.
– Opening Hours: The opening hours would depend on the specific business or entity located at this address.
– County and State: Hof is a city in the Upper Franconia region of Bavaria, Germany.
– IBAN, Routing No., SWIFT/BIC Code: This information is specific to banking institutions and would not be associated with a general address like Kirchplatz 1.
– Centre of Gravity: The geographical center of Kirchplatz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany would be the central point of the address.
– List of Important Places around Kirchplatz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany: Without specific details, it’s challenging to provide a list of important places nearby. Hof is a city with various amenities, businesses, and attractions.
– Approximate Number of Employees: The number of employees at Kirchplatz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany would depend on the specific business or entity located at that address.
– Since When at This Address: The history of Kirchplatz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany would depend on the building or entity occupying that location.
– Nearest Other Branch: Information about the nearest branch would require knowledge of the specific business or entity at Kirchplatz 1.
– ATMs Nearby: There may be ATMs in the vicinity of Kirchplatz 1, 95028 Hof, Germany, but the specific locations and accepted cards would vary.
If you have a specific business or entity in mind at this address, providing that information would allow for a more detailed response.
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