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The address “יוספטל 133, 75706 Holon, Israel” is a medical facility located in Holon, Israel. Unfortunately, I do not have specific information about this address, such as contact details, email, fax, opening hours, county, state, IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, or the center of gravity.
In terms of the number of employees at this address, it would depend on the size and type of the medical facility. Typically, a hospital or medical center can have hundreds to thousands of employees.
As for the history of “יוספטל 133, 75706 Holon, Israel” and when it moved to this address, I do not have that specific information.
Regarding the nearest branch of the same facility, I do not have access to the exact locations of other branches in Holon, Israel.
In terms of ATMs near “יוספטל 133, 75706 Holon, Israel,” there may be ATMs located in nearby banks or financial institutions. The types of cards accepted at these ATMs would vary depending on the specific ATM and the financial network it is connected to. Commonly accepted cards include Visa, MasterCard, and local bank cards.
If you need more specific information about “יוספטל 133, 75706 Holon, Israel,” I recommend contacting the facility directly or checking their official website for details.
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