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The address “Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany” is located in the city of Ingolstadt, Germany. The contact information for this address is as follows:
– Address: Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany
– Email: [Not available]
– Fax: [Not available]
– Opening hours: [Not available]
– County: Ingolstadt
– State: Bavaria
– IBAN: [Not available]
– Routing No.: [Not available]
– SWIFT/BIC code: [Not available]
The center of gravity of Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany, would be the physical midpoint of that address.
There are several important places around Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany, such as restaurants, shops, cafes, parks, and possibly residential areas.
The number of employees at Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany, would depend on the specific business or organization located at that address. Without further information, an approximate number cannot be provided.
The history of Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany, at this address would depend on the specific entity occupying the location. It could have been established recently or have a long history depending on the nature of the business.
The nearest other branch of Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany, would depend on the organization or business in question.
There may be ATMs near Nobelstraße 13, 85055 Ingolstadt, Germany, which accept various cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, etc. The specific ATM locations and accepted cards would need to be verified locally.
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