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The address “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China” is located in the Fung Wong area of Hong Kong. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide specific contact information, email, fax, opening hours, county, state, IBAN, or routing numbers, SWIFT/BIC codes for this address as it pertains to a specific entity which details are not provided.
The center of gravity of “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China” would be the midpoint of the location, which can be calculated based on the coordinates of the address.
Important places around “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China” could include local markets, schools, parks, restaurants, shopping centers, and transportation hubs. The exact list of places would depend on the specific amenities and facilities in the vicinity of this address.
The number of employees at “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China” would vary depending on the organization or business operating at that address. It could range from a few employees to potentially hundreds, depending on the size and nature of the entity.
The history of “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China” at this address would require specific historical records or knowledge about the property or business located there.
The nearest other branch of “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China” would depend on the nature of the entity at that address. It is recommended to search for specific branches or locations associated with the organization or business.
Regarding ATMs near “27-29 Fung Tak Road, Fung Wong New Village, Hong Kong, China,” you can search for nearby banks or financial institutions that offer ATM services. The accepted cards at these ATMs would typically include major credit and debit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, and others.
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