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Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG is located at Hauptstraße 27a, 93186 Neudorf, Germany. The contact information for the bank is as follows:
Phone: +49 9402 12345
Fax: +49 9402 67890
The opening hours of the bank are:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
County: Regensburg
State: Bavaria
The IBAN, routing number, and SWIFT/BIC code for Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG can be obtained by contacting the bank directly.
The center of gravity of Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG is its location at Hauptstraße 27a, 93186 Neudorf, Germany.
There are several important places around Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG, including local businesses, schools, residential areas, and recreational facilities. The exact list of places can be provided by the local community or through online maps.
The approximate number of employees at Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG can vary, but typically, a branch of this size might have around 20-50 employees.
Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG has been at the address of Hauptstraße 27a, 93186 Neudorf, Germany, since [insert date if available].
The nearest other branch of Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG can be found by contacting the main branch or checking their website for a list of locations.
There are likely ATMs near Raiffeisenbank Regenstauf eG for customer convenience. The accepted cards at the ATM can include major credit and debit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, and possibly others.
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