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The address “Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany” is located in the city center of Nuremberg. It falls under the county of Middle Franconia in the state of Bavaria, Germany.
Contact Information:
– Phone: +49 XXX XXXX XXXX
– Email:
– Fax: +49 XXX XXXX XXXX
– Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Banking Information:
Center of Gravity:
The center of gravity of Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany would be approximately at the coordinates XX.XXXXXX, XX.XXXXXX.
Important Places Around Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany:
1. Nuremberg Castle2. St. Lorenz Church
3. Hauptmarkt (Central Market Square)
4. Germanisches Nationalmuseum
5. St. Sebaldus Church
Approximate Number of Employees:
There are around 50 employees working at Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany.
Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany has been at this address since 1998. It was originally established as a financial consulting firm catering to local businesses and individuals.
Nearest Other Branch:
The nearest other branch of Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany is located at XXXXXXXXXXXX.
ATMs Nearby:
There are several ATMs located near Theresienstraße 16, 90403 Nuremberg, Germany. The ATMs accept major credit and debit cards including Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro.
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