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The address “Dürrenhofstraße 5, 90402 Nuremberg, Germany” is located in the city of Nuremberg, in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The county for this address would be Middle Franconia. The IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, and center of gravity information are not publicly available for this specific address.
Contact Information:
– Address: Dürrenhofstraße 5, 90402 Nuremberg, Germany
– Email: Not available
– Fax: Not available
– Opening Hours: Not available
Approximate Number of Employees: The number of employees at this address is not provided.
History: Unfortunately, the specific history of Dürrenhofstraße 5 in Nuremberg is not available.
Nearest Other Branch: Information about the nearest branch of Dürrenhofstraße 5, Nuremberg, is not provided.
List of Important Places Around Dürrenhofstraße 5, 90402 Nuremberg, Germany:
1. Nuremberg Castle2. St. Sebaldus Church
3. Hauptmarkt (Main Market Square)
4. Germanisches Nationalmuseum
5. Handwerkerhof Nürnberg
ATMs Near Dürrenhofstraße 5, 90402 Nuremberg, Germany:
There are several ATMs located near Dürrenhofstraße 5, Nuremberg. The accepted cards at these ATMs may vary, but commonly accepted cards include:
– Visa
– Mastercard
– Maestro
– American Express
Please note that specific details such as opening hours, email, fax, and financial information may vary and should be verified directly with the relevant sources.
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