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The address “Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany” is located in the city of Nuremberg in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The county in which it is situated is Middle Franconia.
Contact Information:
– Address: Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany
– Email: Not available
– Fax: Not available
– Opening Hours: Not available
Banking Information:
– IBAN: Not available
– Routing No.: Not available
– SWIFT/BIC Code: Not available
Centre of Gravity:
The center of gravity of Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany, is the geographical point where the mass of the street is evenly distributed in all directions.
Important Places around Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany:
1. Nuremberg Zoo
2. Nuremberg Castle
3. Playmobil FunPark
4. St. Lorenz Church
5. Documentation Center Nazi Party Rally Grounds
Number of Employees:
The approximate number of employees at Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany, is not available.
Duration at the Address:
The history of Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany, at this address is not provided.
Nearest Branch:
Information about the nearest other branch of Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany, is not available.
ATMs Nearby:
There are several ATMs near Oppelner Straße 186, 90473 Nuremberg, Germany. The accepted cards at these ATMs may vary depending on the bank or service provider.
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