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The address “Münchener Straße 8, 85309 Puch, Germany” belongs to a commercial or residential property in Puch, Germany. Unfortunately, as an AI assistant, I do not have real-time access to specific details about this address, such as contact information, email, fax, opening hours, IBAN or routing numbers, SWIFT/BIC codes, or the exact center of gravity.
However, I can provide you with some general information based on common knowledge. Puch is located in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The county for this address would likely be Freising, as Puch falls within the administrative district of Freising.
Regarding the history and duration of the property at Münchener Straße 8, it would require local records or historical information to determine when it was established at this address and any significant events related to it.
As for the number of employees at this address, it would depend on the type of business or organization located there. Larger commercial properties may house multiple businesses with varying numbers of employees.
In terms of nearby places of interest, it would again require access to local databases or maps to provide a list of important places around Münchener Straße 8, 85309 Puch, Germany.
For information on the nearest branch or ATMs, the specific bank or financial institution would need to be identified to determine their locations and services offered, including accepted cards at the ATMs.
If you need more specific details or assistance, I recommend reaching out to local authorities, businesses, or organizations in the Puch area for up-to-date and accurate information related to Münchener Straße 8, 85309 Puch, Germany.
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