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The address “Hauptstraße 39, 86641 Rain, Germany” is located in the town of Rain in the state of Bavaria. Rain is a municipality in the Swabian district of Donau-Ries. The center of gravity of this address is geographically located at the coordinates 48.7154° N latitude and 10.9587° E longitude.
Regarding contact information, email, fax, and opening hours, it would depend on the specific business or organization located at “Hauptstraße 39, 86641 Rain, Germany.” If you have a specific business or organization in mind, please provide that information for a more detailed response.
As for IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, this information is typically associated with banking institutions. If you are looking for banking information related to this address, please provide the name of the bank or financial institution.
The number of employees at “Hauptstraße 39, 86641 Rain, Germany” would also depend on the specific business or organization located at that address. If you have a particular establishment in mind, please specify for a more accurate estimate.
The history of “Hauptstraße 39, 86641 Rain, Germany” at this address would also vary depending on the specific entity located there. If you have a particular business or organization in mind, please provide that information for a historical overview.
For information on the nearest other branch of “Hauptstraße 39, 86641 Rain, Germany” or the presence of ATMs near this address, please specify the type of business or organization you are referring to, as this will help in providing more relevant details.
As for the list of important places around “Hauptstraße 39, 86641 Rain, Germany,” this could include local landmarks, businesses, parks, schools, or any other notable locations in the vicinity. If you have specific places of interest in mind, please provide that information for a tailored list.
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