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The address “Talblick 2, 93055 Regensburg, Germany” is located in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The county for this address is Regensburg. The center of gravity for this address would be approximately the midpoint of the building or property at Talblick 2.
As an AI assistant, I do not have real-time access to specific contact information, email, fax, or opening hours for businesses at this address. However, typically this information can be obtained by directly contacting the business or searching online directories.
Regarding IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, these details are specific to banking institutions and would not be applicable to a residential or commercial address like “Talblick 2, 93055 Regensburg, Germany.”
The number of employees at “Talblick 2, 93055 Regensburg, Germany” would depend on the specific business or organization located at that address. The approximate number of employees can vary significantly based on the type and size of the entity.
The history of “Talblick 2, 93055 Regensburg, Germany” and when it was established at this address would require specific local historical records or information from the property owner or relevant authorities.
The nearest branch of “Talblick 2, 93055 Regensburg, Germany” would depend on the nature of the business or organization located at that address. If there are multiple branches of the same entity, the closest one would need to be identified through local directories or online maps.
ATMs near “Talblick 2, 93055 Regensburg, Germany” can be found by using online mapping services or contacting local financial institutions. The accepted cards at these ATMs would typically include major credit and debit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and local German banking cards.
If you need more specific information or assistance, feel free to ask!
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