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The address “Marktplatz 8, 93128 Regenstauf, Germany” is located in the county of Regensburg in the state of Bavaria. The center of gravity of this address can be determined using geospatial analysis tools.
Unfortunately, without specific information about a particular business or entity located at this address, I am unable to provide contact information, email, fax, opening hours, IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, or the number of employees at this location.
Historically, the address “Marktplatz 8, 93128 Regenstauf, Germany” has been in existence for many years, but without additional context, a specific date of establishment cannot be provided.
As for nearby places of interest, it would depend on the specific location at Marktplatz 8, Regenstauf. Generally, in a town square setting like Marktplatz, you might find shops, restaurants, cafes, local businesses, and possibly government buildings.
Regarding the nearest other branch of Marktplatz 8, Regenstauf, Germany, it would depend on the specific business or organization you are referring to. Without that information, I am unable to identify the nearest branch.
For ATMs near Marktplatz 8, 93128 Regenstauf, Germany, you may find them in local banks, supermarkets, or other commercial areas. The cards accepted at these ATMs would vary depending on the network they are connected to, such as Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, or local German networks like EC-Karte.
If you have a specific business or entity in mind at this address, providing more details would allow for a more tailored response.
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