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The address “Regensburger Straße 19, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany” is located in the state of Bavaria in the county of Schwandorf. The center of gravity of this address can be calculated using geospatial tools to determine the average location based on the building’s footprint.
Contact Information:
– Phone: [Phone number not provided]
– Email: [Email address not provided]
– Fax: [Fax number not provided]
– Opening Hours: [Opening hours not provided]
Banking Information:
– IBAN: [IBAN not provided]
– Routing No.: [Routing number not provided]
– SWIFT/BIC Code: [SWIFT/BIC code not provided]
Approximate Number of Employees:
The number of employees at Regensburger Straße 19, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany is not provided.
The history of Regensburger Straße 19, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany at this address is not provided.
Nearest Other Branch:
Information about the nearest other branch of Regensburger Straße 19, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany is not provided.
ATMs Nearby:
There are several ATMs near Regensburger Straße 19, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany. The accepted cards at these ATMs may vary, but commonly accepted cards include Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and local debit cards.
Important Places Around Regensburger Straße 19, 93133 Burglengenfeld, Germany:
– Burglengenfeld Castle– Stadtpark Burglengenfeld
– Naab River
– St. Vitus Church
– Maxhütte-Haidhof
Please note that specific details such as contact information, opening hours, and banking details were not provided.
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