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Western Union, Pattaya 5 is located in Pattaya City, Chon Buri Province, Thailand, with the postal code 20210. The contact information for this location is as follows:
Address: Western Union, Pattaya 5, Pattaya City, Chon Buri Province 20210, Thailand
Phone: [Contact number]
Email: [Email address]
Fax: [Fax number]
Opening Hours: [Operating hours]
Country: Thailand
State: Chon Buri Province
IBAN/Routing No.: Not applicable for Western Union
The center of gravity for Western Union, Pattaya 5 would be its geographical location within Pattaya City, Chon Buri Province.
Important places around Western Union, Pattaya 5 may include shopping centers, hotels, restaurants, banks, and other businesses. The number of employees at this specific Western Union location may vary, but it typically employs a small team to manage its operations.
Western Union, Pattaya 5 has been at this address since [Year]. Unfortunately, historical data about the specific dates may not be readily available.
The nearest other branch of Western Union in Pattaya City, Chon Buri Province, Thailand can be located by checking the official Western Union website or using their branch locator tool.
There may be ATMs near Western Union, Pattaya 5 that accept various card types such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, and others. The specific ATM locations and accepted cards can be confirmed by checking with local banks or financial institutions in the area.
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