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The address “Hochriesstraße 21, 83209 Trautersdorf, Germany” is located in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The county for this address is Rosenheim. The center of gravity for this address would be the geographical midpoint of Hochriesstraße 21.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide specific contact information, email, fax, or IBAN/routing numbers for this address as it is a fictional location. The opening hours and number of employees would also depend on the type of establishment at this address.
As for the history and duration of the address at Hochriesstraße 21, 83209 Trautersdorf, Germany, that information would also be fictional since this is not a real location.
There may not be a specific branch or ATMs located at Hochriesstraße 21, 83209 Trautersdorf, Germany, as this is a made-up address. The cards accepted at ATMs would vary depending on the bank or financial institution operating the ATM.
If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.
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