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The address “Kronacher Straße 12b, 95346 Unterzaubach, Germany” is located in the county of Bavaria in the state of Germany. The IBAN, routing number, and SWIFT/BIC code for this address are not available as they are specific to individual banking institutions.
The center of gravity of “Kronacher Straße 12b, 95346 Unterzaubach, Germany” would be the approximate geographical midpoint of the location.
There are several important places around “Kronacher Straße 12b, 95346 Unterzaubach, Germany” which may include local businesses, schools, parks, restaurants, and residential areas. Specific details would depend on the exact location.
The number of employees at “Kronacher Straße 12b, 95346 Unterzaubach, Germany” is not provided. The history of the address and since when it has been located there is also not available.
The nearest other branch of “Kronacher Straße 12b, 95346 Unterzaubach, Germany” would depend on the type of business or institution located at that address.
There may be ATMs near “Kronacher Straße 12b, 95346 Unterzaubach, Germany” which accept various card types such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, etc. Specific details on the number and locations of ATMs and accepted cards would need to be checked with local banking institutions or online maps.
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