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The address “Marktplatz 24, 92714 Vöslesrieth, Germany” is located in the county of Neustadt an der Waldnaab in the state of Bavaria, Germany. The IBAN, routing number, and SWIFT/BIC code are specific to banking information and are not applicable to a physical address like Marktplatz 24.
The center of gravity of the address “Marktplatz 24, 92714 Vöslesrieth, Germany” would be the central point within the geographical area of the address.
Some important places around Marktplatz 24, 92714 Vöslesrieth, Germany, may include local businesses, shops, restaurants, schools, parks, and other amenities in the vicinity. The number of employees at Marktplatz 24 would depend on the specific business or organization located at that address.
The history of Marktplatz 24, 92714 Vöslesrieth, Germany, would depend on the specific establishment or entity located there.
The nearest other branch of Marktplatz 24, 92714 Vöslesrieth, Germany, would depend on the type of business or organization at that address.
ATMs near Marktplatz 24, 92714 Vöslesrieth, Germany, may be located in nearby banks, convenience stores, or other commercial establishments. The accepted cards at these ATMs would depend on the specific ATM provider.
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