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The address “Hauptstraße 19, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” is located in the town of Dietfurt an der Altmühl in the county of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany. The center of gravity for this address is approximately 49.0456° N latitude and 11.6092° E longitude.
Unfortunately, I cannot provide specific contact information, email, fax, opening hours, IBAN, routing number, SWIFT/BIC code, or the number of employees at this address as this information is not readily available without knowing the specific business or entity located at Hauptstraße 19.
The history of Hauptstraße 19 in Dietfurt an der Altmühl would depend on the specific business or establishment at that address. It would be best to contact the local authorities or historical society for detailed information.
As for the nearest branch, ATMs, and accepted cards, this information would also depend on the specific businesses or banks in the vicinity of Hauptstraße 19. It’s recommended to check with local banks or use online mapping services to locate the nearest branch or ATM and their services.
If you have a specific business or entity in mind at this address, please provide more details for a more accurate response.
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