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“Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” is located in the county of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz in the state of Bavaria. The IBAN, routing number, and SWIFT/BIC code for this address would be specific to the financial institution or business located there and would not be publicly available.
The center of gravity for “Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” would be the geographical midpoint of that address, which can be calculated using mapping software.
Important places around “Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” may include local businesses, restaurants, schools, parks, and residential areas.
The approximate number of employees at “Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” would depend on the specific business or organization located at that address.
The history of “Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” at this address would also depend on the specific entity located there.
The nearest other branch of “Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” would depend on the nature of the business or organization at that address.
Whether there are ATMs near “Hauptstraße 9, 92345 Dietfurt an der Altmühl, Germany” and which cards are accepted at those ATMs would depend on the specific banks or financial institutions in the area.
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